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April 13, 2021
CIAC welcomes federal government’s tabling of the new CEPA modernization legislation
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CEPA Chemicals Management ChemNews CMP Press Releases
March 25, 2021
CIAC welcomes Ontario government’s measures for economic recovery in 2021 budget
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ChemNews Ontario Press Releases
February 18, 2021
CIAC recognizes Marcelo Lu for his extraordinary work supporting the chemistry industry in Canada
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ChemNews Press Releases
December 12, 2020
CIAC supports federal government’s refocused climate change plan
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ChemNews Climate Change Environment Low carbon economy Press Releases
November 19, 2020
Canada’s chemistry sector sees opportunities and challenges on the road to carbon zero
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ChemNews Climate Change Environment Low carbon economy Press Releases
November 16, 2020
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada Joins Operation Clean Sweep
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ChemNews Plastics Press Releases