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October 19, 2020
CIAC Responds to Ontario Government Improving Blue Box Program
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ChemNews Competitiveness Ontario Press Releases Regulations
October 15, 2020
CIAC Responds to Federal Government’s proposed integrated management approach to plastic products to prevent waste and pollution
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CEPA Chemicals Management ChemNews Plastics Press Releases
October 15, 2020
Retired CIAC President Jean Bélanger, Honoured by the European Chemical Industry
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ChemNews Responsible Care
October 08, 2020
Ontario government’s efforts to streamline regulation for the chemistry and plastics industry welcomed by CIAC
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ChemNews Competitiveness Ontario Plastics Press Releases Regulations
October 06, 2020
CIAC Responds to Alberta Government’s Natural Gas Vision and Strategy
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Alberta ChemNews Press Releases
September 24, 2020
CIAC Reacts to Throne Speech
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ChemNews Press Releases