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December 22, 2021
CIAC Responds to Proposed Single-Use Plastics Regulations
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CEPA Chemicals Management ChemNews Plastics Press Releases
November 08, 2021
CIAC calls for action to renew and transform Ontario’s chemistry sector
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ChemNews Competitiveness Investment Ontario Press Releases
November 05, 2021
CIAC congratulates Ontario government on its 2021 Fall Economic Statement
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ChemNews Competitiveness Fiscal policy Ontario Press Releases Regulations
October 26, 2021
CIAC welcomes federal cabinet ministers
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ChemNews Press Releases
October 22, 2021
CIAC congratulates Canada’s Safest Chemistry Employer, BASF Canada
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ChemNews Press Releases Responsible Care
October 22, 2021
CIAC welcomes new member Diamond Petrochemicals Canada and new Plastics Division members Nexeo Plastics and Scotty Manufacturing
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ChemNews Press Releases