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June 26, 2024
CIAC congratulates Shell on announcement to build carbon capture and storage projects in Canada 
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Alberta ChemNews Innovation Investment Low carbon economy Press Releases Responsible Care
June 10, 2024
The Future of Chemistry with Bob Masterson featuring Alanna Hnatiw, Mayor of Sturgeon County
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Alberta Canada ChemNews Competitiveness Hydrogen Innovation Low carbon economy
March 14, 2024
CIAC congratulates NOVA Chemicals on the launch of the Canadian Centre of Excellence for Plastics Circularity 
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ChemNews Circular Economy Innovation Plastics Press Releases Responsible Care
June 30, 2022
Q+A with U of T’s Eden Hataley about Operation Sweep the Creek
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Circular Economy Innovation Ontario Plastics
March 04, 2022
BASF Canada’s investment in battery materials and recycling illustrates chemistry’s role in Canada’s net zero future
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ChemNews Competitiveness Environment Innovation Investment Low carbon economy Press Releases Quebec
November 02, 2021
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada partners with Montreal Economic Institute, Forest Products Association of Canada, Canadian Fuels Association & Mining Association of Canada for talk on future of natural resources
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ChemNews Circular Economy Competitiveness Innovation Investment Plastics