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September 24, 2020
CIAC Reacts to Throne Speech
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ChemNews Press Releases
September 03, 2020
PolyExpert Earns Safe Quality Food certification
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ChemNews Plastics
September 03, 2020
Remembering David Podruzny, CIAC Vice-President, Business and Economics (retired)
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ChemNews Press Releases
August 10, 2020
The Chemistry Industry 2021 Federal Pre-Budget Consultation Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance
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Canada ChemNews Competitiveness
August 10, 2020
CIAC Delivers Pre-Budget Submission, Focuses on Economic Recovery and Cooperation
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Canada ChemNews Competitiveness Press Releases Regulations
July 23, 2020
2019 National TRANSCAER® Award Winners
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ChemNews Transportation

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