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March 05, 2020
Ontario Chemistry Day 2020 Shines Spotlight on Chemistry Sector, Leads to Special Advisor Role in Provincial Cabinet
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ChemNews Ontario
February 26, 2020
Globe 2020 Business Summit
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February 24, 2020
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada and Canadian Plastics Industry Association join forces, lead the way to eliminate plastic waste
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ChemNews Circular Economy Plastics Press Releases
February 05, 2020
Chemistry and Plastics Industries’ Statement on the Government of Canada’s “Draft Science Assessment of Plastic Pollution”
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Circular Economy Plastics Press Releases
January 20, 2020
CIAC member Pyrowave receives $3.3M from Innovation, Science and Industry Canada
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Circular Economy Innovation Plastics Press Releases
January 20, 2020
Canada’s chemistry sector commits to enhancing engagement with Indigenous communities
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ChemNews Press Releases Responsible Care

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