CIAC supports Private Members’ Bill C-380 An Act to Amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (plastic manufactured items)  

The Chemistry Industry Association on Canada (CIAC) welcomes the second reading of MP Tochor’s (Saskatoon—University) — Private Members’ Bill C-380, An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (plastic manufactured items).  

When the Bill was first introduced in February of this year, CIAC expressed its support, reiterating its objections to the Government of Canada decision of April 23, 2021 declaring all Plastic Manufactured Items as toxic substances under the then Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, (CEPA) 1999.     

“CIAC and its members strongly believe that plastics are a valuable resource that belong in the economy and not the environment. The unique characteristics of plastics help ensure a modern, sustainable way of life for Canadians,” said Christa Seaman, CIAC Vice President Plastics. Ms. Seaman added “We are encouraging all Members of Parliament to vote in support of Private Member’s Bill C-380 at its next reading on September 26, 2024.”   

CIAC continues to believe, consistent with the November 16, 2023, decision of the Federal Courts that CEPA is not an appropriate legislative instrument for managing post-consumer plastics. CIAC remains committed to working with governments to find meaningful solutions to address post-consumer use plastics and keep these from the environment. We will continue to work with federal and provincial governments, and all stakeholders, to build a circular economy for plastics in Canada.   

Supporting the Private Member’s Bill C-380 to remove Plastic Manufactured Items from CEPA Schedule 1 will send a clear signal to the plastics industry that government is committed to implementing a circular economy and removing the barriers standing in the way of the investment and innovation required to achieve that goal. 

CIAC is committed to Responsible Care®, the flagship program of the chemistry industry that ensures CIAC members innovate for safer and greener products and processes, and work to continuously improve their environmental, health and safety performance. CIAC member-companies strive to “do the right thing and be seen to do the right thing.” This is our commitment to sustainability– delivering results for the betterment of society, the environment, and the economy.  
Recognizing the importance of eliminating plastic pollution caused by plastic resin loss during production or transportation is a critical issue for the environment and the world’s waterways, CIAC members adhere to the principles of Operation Clean SweepTM (OCS).  

OCS is an international, prevention-focused program for environmental stewardship designed to help every plastic resin manufacturing and handling operation implement good housekeeping and resin containment practices.