CIAC responds to Ontario Government’s improvements to Blue Box Recycling
June 03, 2021
The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) recognizes Ontario’s Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ recently announced plans to improve the Ontario Blue Box recycling program and its intentional approach of moving toward a harmonized Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program.
An EPR program — where industry is responsible for the cost, collection, and management of recycling in the province — is the most efficient and effective way to improve recovery and recycling rates and develop a circular economy for plastics.
“A circular economy, of which EPR programs play a key role, will sustain economic growth while improving the environment for future generations,” said Elena Mantagaris, Vice President, CIAC Plastics Division. “When managed responsibly, plastics are the modern sustainable choice for a prosperous economy and healthy environment.”
Canada’s plastics industry is dedicated to playing its role in the fight against plastic waste, and this innovative approach by the Ontario Government will help us reach two key goals:
- By 2030, 100 per cent of plastic packaging in Canada will be recyclable or recoverable
- By 2040, 100 per cent of plastic packaging in Canada will be reused, recycled, or recovered
We look forward to working with the province to ensure that all recycling and recovery approaches are supported in a circular economy for plastics.