CIAC launches new Responsible Care® logo and tagline
September 03, 2024

The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) is proud to announce today the official launch of a new, modernized Responsible Care® logo and tagline in advance of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the made-in-Canada, chemistry industry sustainability initiative.
“2025 will mark the 40th anniversary of this remarkable initiative, that has led the journey towards safe, responsible, and sustainable chemical manufacturing,” said Bob Masterson, President and CEO of CIAC.
“What better way to honour the legacy of the founder of Responsible Care and former President of CIAC, Jean Belanger, than to refresh and modernize the look and feel of Responsible Care and keep our members energized about its important message.”
Founded in Canada in 1985 by Mr. Belanger and CIAC – then known as the Canadian Chemical Producers’ Association – Responsible Care has led Canada’s chemical and plastics industry’s progress in safety and sustainability. CIAC members are compelled to follow its codes and principles as a condition of membership.
The U.N.-recognized chemistry industry sustainability initiative is now practiced in 73 countries and by 96 of the 100 largest chemical producers in the world. From advancing employee and facility safety to protecting the environment and engaging our communities, Responsible Care has truly been “Our Commitment to Sustainability.”
The shift from the previous tagline, “Our Commitment to Sustainability” to “Driving Safety & Sustainability,” conveys the foundational focus on safety in Responsible Care and highlights industry’s action to advance both safety and sustainability.
With this modernized Responsible Care brand, we are sharing our message clearly. It also reflects the importance of safety to us and our members, as was reflected in the first Statement of Commitment to Responsible Care was published in February 1984 by the CCPA: “The Canadian chemical industry is committed to taking every practical precaution to ensure that products do not present an unacceptable level of risk to its employees, customers, the public or the environment.”
CIAC and our members look forward to ensuring the safety and sustainability of the industry for the decades to come.
Learn more about Responsible Care at