CIAC appreciates progress made toward legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution as INC-4 wraps up 

The following may be attributed to Isabelle Des Chênes, Vice-President of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC): 

“As the fourth round of negotiations for a global plastics agreement (INC-4) concluded early today in Ottawa, the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) and its members appreciate the progress governments have made towards a legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution.  

During the final plenary session, governments agreed to intersessional work to continue to make progress towards aligning towards a final text as they head towards INC-5 in Busan, Korea this Fall.  

CIAC has been encouraged to hear governments affirm the need for the plastics agreement to align and not duplicate the functions of other UN agreements and frameworks, such as the Basel Convention, Stockholm Convention, and the recently agreed to Global Framework on Chemicals. 

CIAC and its members are fully committed to a legally binding agreement all countries can join that ends plastic pollution while retaining the essential benefits of plastics to foster a more sustainable and lower carbon future”