CIAC announces Christa Seaman as Vice-President, Plastics Division
April 18, 2023

The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) is pleased to announce that Christa Seaman has been appointed to Vice-President, Plastics Division at CIAC. After working closely with CIAC on numerous files over the years in her role as Director of Plastic Policy and Communications at Imperial, Christa joined the CIAC Plastics Division team in September 2021 as Director while on secondment from Imperial Oil.
“Over the past 19 months, Christa has been busy at numerous speaking engagements across North America promoting the Canadian plastics industry and leading on key files in the Plastics Division at CIAC. She has brought her wealth of knowledge and talent to CIAC and we are delighted to have her join on a permanent basis as Vice-President,” said Bob Masterson, CIAC President and CEO.
Christa has over 20 years of experience across the public and private sector with a focus on policy analysis and advocacy, government relations and communication. She has been engaged in climate change policy and regulatory development for more than ten years, including participating on numerous multi-stakeholder advisory committees. Since 2018, Christa has been focusing her efforts on plastics policy in Canada. She has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta.