CIAC and Women Building Futures celebrate the first recipient of the John Vincett Responsible Care® Award
March 31, 2022

In 2021, CIAC announced the John Vincett Responsible Care® Award through Women Building Futures (WBF), which provides financial relief to Indigenous women who attend WBF programs. In March, WBF announced the first recipient of the award, Alex, who had been struggling to secure employment through the pandemic.
“We shared Alex’s message with John Vincett’s widow. She was so touched by Alex’s message and her courage and determination. She said this was exactly the type of impact John would have wanted to see in any CIAC supported scholarship in his name,” said Bob Masterson, President and CEO of CIAC. “We couldn’t be prouder to be able to call ourselves long-term, committed supporters to Women Building Futures and newly and highly-skilled workers like Alex.”
This award was inspired by the legacy of John Philip Vincett, a prominent champion of the Responsible Care Initiative in Canada’s chemistry sector. Responsible Care requires companies to engage with communities near facilities and along transportation corridors, emergency responders, governments, and other stakeholders to advance laws and regulations supporting sustainability. This award has been created with the generous support of CIAC and will provide financial relief to Indigenous women who attend WBF programs.
Read more about WBF and the recipient of the John Vincett Responsible Care® Award here.