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October 20, 2021
New Chair, Vice-Chair and Board Member appointed to CIAC Board of Directors
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ChemNews Press Releases
October 07, 2021
CIAC selected as one of Canadian HR Reporter’s Best Places to Work for 2021  
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ChemNews Press Releases
October 06, 2021
CIAC congratulates Dow Canada on plans to build world’s first net-zero major chemistry facility
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Alberta ChemNews Circular Economy Competitiveness Innovation Investment Low carbon economy Plastics Press Releases
September 27, 2021
CIAC congratulates Canada’s new government and looks to continuing to work with all parties on solutions for a better future
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ChemNews Press Releases
September 21, 2021
2020 Responsible Care® Report highlights CIAC members’ work at furthering sustainability goals
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Press Releases Responsible Care
June 03, 2021
CIAC responds to Ontario Government’s improvements to Blue Box Recycling
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ChemNews Ontario Plastics Press Releases Regulations