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November 13, 2019
Canadian plastics and chemistry associations to create new combined plastics division
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ChemNews Plastics Press Releases
October 24, 2019
Lively discussion on plastic waste, industry investments at 20th Annual Alberta Chemistry Day
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Alberta ChemNews Competitiveness Plastics
August 15, 2019
CIAC welcomes Ontario Government’s announcement transitioning blue box recycling to producers
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ChemNews Circular Economy Ontario Plastics Press Releases
August 06, 2019
Chemistry industry seeks innovation fund for plastics recycling technology in federal pre-budget submission
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Canada ChemNews Competitiveness Innovation Plastics Press Releases
June 28, 2019
CIAC and CPIA aligned with the key focus areas of CCME’s Action Plan on Zero Plastic Waste
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ChemNews Circular Economy Plastics Press Releases
June 10, 2019
Canada’s chemistry and plastics industries share federal government’s concerns about mismanagement of plastic waste
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ChemNews Circular Economy Plastics Press Releases