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September 20, 2018
Canadian plastics and chemistry industries support the G7 Marine Plastics Litter Innovation Challenge
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Competitiveness Environment Plastics Press Releases
September 20, 2018
Canada to lose 635,000 jobs, petrochemical industry at ‘serious risk’ due to U.S. tax reform, says PwC report
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Canada ChemNews Competitiveness Fiscal policy Investment Regulations Trade Policy
September 20, 2018
CIAC hits ground running with new Ontario Government
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ChemNews Competitiveness Ontario
September 05, 2018
Join CIAC at Chemistry Canada’s Business Summit September 25
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ChemNews Competitiveness
July 19, 2018
Working with the new Ontario government to promote its ‘open for business’ mandate
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ChemNews Competitiveness Ontario
July 05, 2018
CIAC congratulates Elysis for new carbon-free aluminum production process
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ChemNews Climate Change Competitiveness Environment Low carbon economy