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January 16, 2020
Executives from U.S., Canadian, and Mexican chemical industries reaffirm support for new North American Free Trade Agreement
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Competitiveness Press Releases Trade Policy
January 07, 2020
CIAC receives funding from Transport Canada to support railway safety across Canada
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ChemNews Press Releases Transportation
December 18, 2019
BASF Canada and CIAC Welcome Premier Doug Ford to Etobicoke Facility
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ChemNews Ontario
December 13, 2019
Competitiveness and Investment in Alberta: A View from the Chemistry Industry
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Alberta ChemNews Competitiveness Fiscal policy Innovation Investment Press Releases Regulations
December 12, 2019
CIAC Welcomes CUSMA Agreement
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ChemNews Competitiveness Press Releases Trade Policy
December 04, 2019
CIAC supports Ontario’s recognition of employers achieving high standards of workplace safety
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ChemNews Ontario Responsible Care

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