CIAC supports Chemtrade’s community engagement efforts in North Vancouver 

June 6, CIAC was proud to support Chemtrade Logistics at their community open-house in North Vancouver.  

As part of its initiatives seeking to extend its ability to produce liquid chlorine at its facility on the North Vancouver waterfront, Chemtrade is engaging with the local municipality, following the Port’s directive to foster community dialogue before advancing lease negotiations. This initiative highlights the company’s commitment to transparency and community engagement. 

Chemtrade shared information surrounding the significant investments made in upgrading its plant, enhancing safety measures, and modernizing operations. The company also outlined plans for further improvements that will bolster safety practices substantially. 

The open house featured two engagement sessions, offering community members a platform to ask questions and provide direct feedback. This dialogue is crucial as it showcases the many ways that Chemtrade’s operations align with safety standards, industry best practices, and community expectations. 

CIAC members, adhere to the principles of Responsible Care®, striving to “do the right thing and be seen to do the right thing.” This ethic drives them to innovate for safer and greener products and processes, and to continuously improve their environmental, health, and safety performance. 

The engagement sessions not only demonstrated Chemtrade’s commitment to Responsible Care but also highlighted the proactive steps being taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the community in which they operate.